Monday, June 06, 2022

A little Peace

 Good morning Dreamers!  This post will be a little different than normal. Not about scrapbooking or card making. There are some things on my heart that I need to share. I am not doing this to offend anyone. If I do, I am sorry.

   Last week there was a mass shooting in Tulsa, 20 miles from home. It was senseless, as most of them are. It jarred  my spirit a bit. I had been in that office several times with my friend Patty. I t was so clean and the ladies out front always greeted her like an old friend. I am saddened like the rest of the community and a little on edge. I felt a bit uneasy when I went out the next few days.

   Sunday, my Pastor talked about it. As Lutherans, we celebrate Pentecost. It is kind of a birthday celebration for the beginning of the new Church year. The Gospel reading was from John 14:1-29. It is about Jesus telling His disciple, yet again, that He is going to be with the Father. 

There is a section where Jesus says "Peace I Leave (vs 27). As a high schooler, I worked at a church camp on the Illinois River her in Oklahoma. Someone had set this verse to music, and the campers HAD TO sing it at every Friday night session. It became a sad, syrupy song that made them cry because it was their last night together. Saturday they would return to their lives at home with family. 

   I admit, it makes me a little sad still. Best times of my life. But this time, I heard the words so differently. So calming. So hopeful. So peaceful. 

    I will let you come to your own conclusions as to what it means to you. The words "I do not give to you as the world gives", stuck out from the rest. My Lord promises ME that His peace will pass all understanding. And it does. I don't have to be afraid of what this world can and will throw at me or my loved ones. 

Blessed Peace my friends.

I'm Dreamin' of a place where fear doesn't exist...You keep Dreamin' too!

Pammie Kay

p.s.  If you don't know Jesus as your personal Savior and would like to know more, contact me or one of your local houses of worship. God Bless.

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