Friday, May 20, 2022

$3 Million In Stampin' Up! Sales

 Congratulations to Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator Tami White for hitting $3 million in career to date sales!!

She is the second woman to achieve this goal!

I went on the quest to find out what a starter kit was in 2003, when Tami first started. It was $195!!! The wording was very vague, but it said you got to pick out our own stamps. Didn't say how many stamps. But they picked the rest of your kit!

WOW! How that has changed over the years! Like the price! Only $99 for the Starter Kit and YOU get to pick $125 of stamps or accessories. Plus! For the next couple of weeks, they have added the bonus of another $65.50 of free products. But this offer is only good until May 31st! See my blog post here for more information. And NOW is the time to act.

I have followed Tami on her blog and face book page for several years. Her smile, her genuine charm and humor draws me into her posts. I love that, just like me, she started with only a starter kit and a DREAM!

I loved this statement from her story...
You can have wonderful ideas, but if you don’t act on them, they’re not helping.
Do it. Try it. Don’t be afraid.
If it doesn’t work, try something else.”

This inspires me! Gives me knots in my stomach. I have been stuck there for a couple of years. I want to grow this business, and then fear sets in. We have what I feel is the best product on the market, so the correct tools are there. Time to do it. I am taking some training to help my lack of organization skills. (A.D.H.D. is real and alive in me) I have a wonderful 2nd tier "upline" that is really active and willing to answer any of my questions. From stamping techniques, to how to price classes, to organizing my face book posts to get more interaction. Thank you Mellissa Kerman for always being there. She really knows her stuff and is willing to share.

My goals are not as high as Tami's, and that's okay. I am looking for friends to stamp and get together with. I am looking for an incentive trip. And I am looking for a team to become excited in the possibility of building a business that could change their lives!

Is that you? It can be. Join me this month and let's take a dive in the deep end!

I'm Dreamin' of team building...You keep Dreamin' too!

Pammie Kay
Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator

 (I couldn't figure out how to put a link on the picture! LOL)

** The claims published here are not representative of the typical Stampin’ Up! demonstrator. The level of sales required to achieve this result is accomplished by less than .001 percent of Stampin’ Up! demonstrators.

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