Monday, January 24, 2022

Sweet Talk Treats


Morning Dreamers and friends.

   Valentine's Day was always my favorite school party as a kid! Hours were spent writing choosing the best card for that certain person. Carefully writing everyone in your classes name took me even longer. And get that special card from "Doug" and your heart was afflutter!  It still feels that way to me! 

        This morning I am taking part in a Valentine's Day Blog Hop with my friends at Crafty Collaborations. We are a group of Independent Stampin' Up! demonstrators from around the world, who have gathered to share some awesome projects to help you with your creativity!  So after mine, follow the links and catch all the creativity!

Sweet Little Boxes Front

  I wanted to share with you this cute box I made using the  Sweet Little Boxes.  They remind me of the Conversation Heart candy we got as friends.  These boxes are food safe, so you can fill with any open treat that you would like. They even come with a heavy adhesive put in place for you!  
How easy is that?

And I used the Sweet Conversations Bundle to stamp and cut out the decorations for the back! 

This was so fun to make. I hope you enjoy it. You can join my class and learn to make this...and 3 more cards. 
 Now hop on over to the next blog and grab some more creativity.

I'm Dreamin' of a cute card from my Sweetheart.....You keep Dreamin' too!

Pammie Kay
Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator


  1. I loved making our own “Valentine Mailbox” out of a shoe box, then we sat it on the corner of our desk and we passed out our Valentines and put them in everyone’s “mailbox.” Love your projects!

  2. I've got a few of these to make! Thanks for sharing

  3. Cute idea and love the reminiscing from your childhood. Brought back some of my own memories. My "Doug" was named "Rick" - lol

  4. Cute box. I love how you cut the heart out of the front to give a peek inside! And those hearts on the back are just too cute. Thanks for sharing.


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