Saturday, February 13, 2021

Stampin' in A Winder Wonderland

We are in God's deepfreeze here in Oklahoma! Our temperatures are setting record low-highs! As I am typing, the sun is trying to peek through the clods for the first time since Saturday of last week. When I talk cold, I mean like highs in the 20's and tomorrow morning low will be -1! If you know me, I love everything about winter storms...except the cold! This will be a tolerance test for sure.
   Then, let's add that to the fact that we can't get together with friends to craft for a year now. A YEAR!!  I am a people person and love them around me. Not being able to host Friday night crops has been really rough. I have eaten too much, slept too much, played games too much and crafted too little!
    That is where the idea of a Stampin' In a Winter Wonderland came up. Just this morning. Yes and it starts tomorrow.  I don't usually do things this impromptu, but I know we all need the challenge. Especially important because we are about to be snowed in!
    I hope you will join me in several of the events.  I am going to go live, every day at 3:00 CST, if I have power. If no power, hopefully I will have a charged phone! I do plan to record a card making time, in case I can't go live!  I am going to issue challenges in this FaceBook event. .And of course ... PRIZES! Obviously still in the planning stages. So more details as they arise!  
    I hope you will all join me, starting at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow in the KlubHouse. It will run all week long and all cards/challenges will be due by Sunday, February 21 at noon CST. I will announce winners on Simple Sunday Live. I have also started a Face Book group of the same name,  I seems easier to follow along in a group, that in an event!  so you can join that here!  Stampin' In a Winter Wonderland

So I hope you will come join me for some cold weather fun! 

I am Dreamin' of no power outages  . . . . You keep Dreamin' too!

Pammie Kay
Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator

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