Saturday, October 03, 2020

World Card Making Day!

Happy World Card Making Day!!

   For several years, World Card Making Day (WCMD) was known as national card making day. I couldn't find the history of when it changed. But I am glad that the entire world is involved now. What a great holiday!  We should have cake and presents and a card tree and parades and, and....

    So maybe, just maybe, everyone is not as excited as I am! So sad. But I know if you are reading this, you care. Some more than others.  This year, instead of holding a retreat, I am AT one. In Michigan, with Ronda Wade!  She an other demonstrators have got 2 days packed with training for demos, such as myself.  We will see demonstrations, play some games, learn tips from the top demos, do make-takes, tonight we will have a Pajama party! 

   I am hosted a virtual WCMD Event on my Facebook page.. I hope you have checked it out already. I am doing a crossover event with it and my blog. They both could use some traffic!  So here is a video of cards I made for a swap today. Spend some time looking around my page, share it, join my group.  

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did making it!

I have been Dreamin' of this day all keep Dreamin' too!
Pammie Kay

1 comment:

  1. I love this card! The colors are wonderful and I love that you used the stamparutus to make it!

    I hope I did not misspell that! :-)


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