Thursday, September 03, 2020

The September 100

 Card makers unite! There is a challenge going around centered around saving the United States Postal Service. Buy a roll of stamps, everyone, and mail out cards. So for September, get out your hoarded cards and mail them. To your Grandma, your pastor, that person you met on face book, your aunt, a teacher, your doctor's office and all your friends. The hardest part of this challenge is gathering addresses! I am putting on my Facebook page a request for them to PM their address to me. Get those cards going. 

If you would like a card from me, just email me your address at I would love to send you a creation of mine! No one is holding you accountable. The most important part of this post is to buy the stamps, support them financially, and keep them in business. Can you imagine how much it will cost to send a card through Fed X or UPS?  


1 comment:

  1. I have been mailing at least one a week for a few months! I will have 3 to mail when I get my new stamps in the mail!


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