Sunday, September 27, 2020

Simple Sunday on a Monday!

 Welcome Dreamers!  What a wonderful quiet Sunday we had. We started with church, still on video. Then I went out to a nearby lake to visit with a couple of cousins, who have cabins there. We had a relaxing visit, till the boys decided it was time to mow the yards! So a quick run through McDonald's to fill my tummy with n a Spicy McChicken. I may be addicted to that little sandwich?

     Then home to do my live on my Facebook page, The Dreamer's KlubHouse Retreats.  I get better with each one, it think. But I do feel that my mind gaps make it hard for even me to listen to. I keep playing mind games to make my memory better, but I still search for words.

   I love this simple card. I let the DSP do all the work on this one!  It is still enough summer sun with those first hints of fall color. I think we rush fall a little early in Oklahoma. I understand wanting the cooler nights, but I love my sunshine!  

    For this card, I used the stamp set, Happiest of Birthdays and the Stitched Nested Labels Die set. I also used:

  • Bumble Bee CS    5 1/2" x 8 1/2" and scored at 4 1/4".                                           
  • Ornate Garden DSP          4" x 5 1/4"
  • Whisper White CS            4" x 5 1/4"
  • Whisper White scrap to fit stamp
  • Terracotta Tile CS  2 1/4 x 4
  • Crinkled Seam Binding Ribbon

I really hope you enjoy my cards.  I am Dreamin' of summer days, you keep Dreamin' too!

Pammie Kay

Here are links to the products I used. I would love to be your demonstrator, if you do not already have one.  When ordering in September please use hostess code:  NY7AABZY

1 comment:

  1. I am hoping the Bumblebee paper is on sale in October too! I might need that ribbon too!


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Sunday's are for Shareing

  Welcome back Dreamers!      What a fun week I have had! Monday was spent in the studio working on projects, organizing posts for my Facebo...