Saturday, January 04, 2014

New Year brings hope of Change

  Happy New Year Dreamers!  I hope you have taken some time to reflect on 2013, because our past can shape our future.  Not all that happened in 2013 was memorable..rather mundane.  Dishes, carpool, work, laundry are not something we want to remember.  But they are a large part of our life. 
   So, do you document those times?  I do quite often in my Book of Me. I have pictures of the kids helping me cook or do laundry. (laundry help is rare at my house, so there are indeed few photos)  
   I have joined a Project 365 Challenge group where we are going to strive to take a picture every day for the new year.  Doesn't sound too hard, does it?  Where the challenge comes from "the list" that Stephanie is putting out there for us.  Today's word is Fresh....working on that one.  I have sheets in the wash.  They are always "fresh" when right out of the dryer.  
   Do any of you make New Year Resolutions?  I never have, until this year.  I need to challenge myself to scrapbook!  So my "crafting" resolutions are:

  1. Make a layout every week
  2. Organize my scrap room 
  3. Host 3 retreats
So between the Photo Challenge and my resolutions...I need to get off the computer! With perseverance I know that I will be able to reach my goals.

I'm Dreamin' of a fabulous, creative keep Dreamin' too.

Pammie Kay

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