Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Three Cheers for the Red, White & Blue.

I admit it...I love the 4th of July!  It used to be a time at our house to go to the lake, cause mom was afraid of fireworks. I think that really they couldn't afford to buy them for us and they were banned at the lake!  I can't say I am any fonder of them than she was...but my family LOVES them!
    Every year, they gather at our house (ok, we have a pool) and swim, cook out burgers & dogs, and then end the night with a fireworks display in our back yard.  As the kids have gotten older, their friends have been added. And their softball teams have been added. And their employees have been added!  Last year we had roughly 57 or so people!
     The party doesn't start till late afternoon so we can have family swim before hand.  Steve cooked all evening and then settled into a lawn chair to watch "the kids" blow up their paychecks...I mean the fireworks!
 and what a display we had!   

    I am starting a new business. A scrapbook retreat & design business.  The name is The Dreamer's KlubHouse Design & Retreats.  Our first retreat is September 6, 7, & 8 at the Embassy Suites in Tulsa.  You can find the information here.  And I am also kicking off my Dreamer's Kit program on the 8th of July.  My first kit will be an Independence Day  layout.  You'll need to check in to see it. 
   No layouts today, just felt like talking.  I pray that you will all be safe this holiday and take a moment to think of the early founders of our country.  They fought for our right to freedom, many laying down their lives.  

God Bless The U.S.A.!

Keep Dreamin'

Pammie Kay

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