Thursday, July 18, 2013

Christmas in July

is at the store this week. I have been overwhelmed with the new products that will be rolled out next week by the paper manufacturers.  And all I want to do is buy Halloween & Christmas things.  Only problem involves the fact that I have lots of last years' paper, and no racks to put new collections!  What's a girl to do?  
  I  know we need to buy more racks. But it is much easier to to move the paper out! So Patty & I have decided to have a Christmas Card Make-Take, every day for the rest of the month!!
 Patty sends out lots of card each year for their busy Keystone German Shepherd Kennels.  Simple & easy is the the key to "mass producing" cards for her list.  A strip of red, black & white cardstocks, and a buckle and letters cut out of glitter paper.  That's it Dreamers.
   You can stop by the store and choose this as your $1.00 card of the day.

 Some of you know that I have very curved lenses in my glasses (I guess because of my astigmatism?) and I live in a curved world.  Then add trifocals to the mix and I can never glue a thing down straight. Rulers slip & slide and  pencil marks never erase completely. We have the perfect tool right at hand.  I simply put my card even on my trimmer, as if I were going to trim it.  Then I have a stable straight edge, so my words are awesomely level.  There you go...a dollar card and a tip!
    Don't forget to come by the store for a make-take.  Ask me about our retreat...cause I have LOTS to tell you about it.  Read more on a web site by clicking here.
  I'm dreamin' on a cure for Cancers....
 You keep Dreamin' too.

Pammie Kay

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