Thursday, March 28, 2013

Prairie Chic...finally continued!

     Please accept my apologies for keeping you hanging around like this...I had a sweet Aunt in Texas pass away during this process. She was a "Hometown Hero" recipient and well loved in her community for her unselfish giving and friendly personality. (I will be doing a tribute layout in her honor soon) Her death has caused a hole in many lives and hearts.
       A few tears, a trip to Texas, and the never ending "changing of the store " around to make room for new products has been a major distraction.  Back on Task!!  What were we talking about?  Oh yea, Prairie Chic, by BoBunny.   I set out to make this layout, with every intention of sticking closely to the layout that the designers at BoBunny had is where my inspiration came from...

   Well, I didn't.  I started touching all the yummy papers, the stickers, bling!  My mind went to some awesome pictures of my mom and her mom was true Prairie Chic.  Born and raised in western Oklahoma in the same home her mother was born in....a house built after her grandfather homesteaded during the land run of 1889. It was the 1940's and pin-up girls gave all young women dreams of stardom.
And here is my layout....

Prairie Gals

   I used Prairie Chis as my base, cutting around the boots, so I could slip a mat cut from Corral under the toes.  I heavily distressed that block.  I fussy cut the top of Calico for the top and inked the edges to soften the white core. The Mason jars were too clear, so I filled them in with Sepia Glossy Accents (see below} . It is a little dark, but so were the antique ones of those days.

Some handmade flowers with Stickles and bling, vine ribbon by Creative Impression, a couple of fussy cut flowers...and it was done.  I honestly only spent about 1 hour to create this.  And you can come by the store and pick up products to make your own.
    Mom dreamed of a glamorous keep dreamin too.

Pammie Kay

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