Thursday, December 15, 2011

Merry Christmas Dreamers!!

   It has been a while since I had a lull in creativity, but I wanted to share my latest project with you.  I made this adorable mini-album for my newest grandchild, Evelyn.  It is her 1st Christmas and it needs to be special.  I bought this  mini paper pack and "goodies" in 2009, when I was in Denver with my good friend Patty. I love bright colors and loved that it was not "traditional" Christmas colors.  Fancy Pants   is a great paper  company, and I had to have it.  It was my 1st visit to an Archiver's store and it was fabulous! (I used "it" too many times in those last 2 sentences, but I got nothing else!!)
    But when I got home, I just couldn't make the paper work with pictures of the boys!  So I stashed the brightness away!  Until I got a Grand-daughter last February!  The album itself came in a box of "warehouse over-runs" from Maya Road. * If you aren't their friend on Face Book, you are missing out on contests and warehouse sales! 
    Putting it together was fairly straight forward...glue paper to chipboard album, sand edges, embellish...ta da! A finished album!

I used Smooches paint around the edges for the bright pink and green.  Some stickles, bling glossy accents and I am very pleased with the way it turned out.  I know her mom & dad will also.  I will try to snap some pics of the finished product, since I won't have photos till next weekend.
The last couple of months have been a bit to handle..but I am not going to allow my grief to overshadow one of the most glorious holidays.....the birth of my Savior.  I'm dreamin' of a perfect keep dreamin' too.


  1. This is absolutely beautiful and I love that it is for your granddaughter's first Christmas - I too have a granddaughter celebrating her first Christmas and now hoping I have enuf craft time to complete!!! Thank you sew much for sharing---
    God Bless you . . .
    Hugs, Love, and Pixie Dust!
    Her Craftiness

  2. Beautiful details. I love the charming trees and bright colors. What a wonderful gift! Lisa

  3. Pammie, darling, you ARE a blend!


    Any time I mention Blends, consider yourself mentioned and thought of!!!

  4. Hi Pammie, I came over to see if anyone had been posting for faithbooking on the CSD site in a while. I am working on a 8x8 book that is specifically a faithbook for one of my daughters. Then have another idea for the same size book for my other daughter. I would love to share when the first one is done. Just let me know how I can do that through that faithbooking link. Thanks! Lisa

  5. Awesome creation..the shape and colors are so cheerful
    Cheers from Bangalore, India


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