Thursday, August 11, 2011

A mini album beginning

     Morning Dreamers!  The blog hop was so much fun!  The Divas will have another in September, but I won't be participating this time...I need some time to scrap some of my other challenges also.  And, it falls on our anniversary weekend..maybe hubby will do something special.  Want to leave my options open! 
    I have been so busy this week, creating like a storm.  Mostly I have been keeping up or trying to keep ahead of my design team duties at Creative Scrapbooking Divas.  So I am going to partially share a post and you can go there to read it in it's entirety!  I am working on a couple of things for "just us" also. I promise.  My table always has 2 projects going, in case one starts boring me!!
    I have a repeating subject on the Divas Blog that I post once a month.  The first month it was just a starter, sharing my very first mini album.  You can see it here if you haven't yet. That was a fun project and got lots of people at the shop excited about making mini albums. But let's be serious...there's no way I can make an entire mini album every month. Not if I want them to be good. Sure I could slap something together to showcase, but that is not me.  
   So instead, I am challenging everyone to work on their album with me...a few pages at a time.    Below is my finished front cover.  I am in love with Distress Stains and enjoyed staining with them.
    So here is finished front and if you would like to join the group and start a mini album with me (shake your head up and down, yes Pam we will!), hop over to the Divas site and start in.  Oh, and every month there will be blog candy!!

   I dreamin' of my album being finished, you keep dreamin' too.


  1. That looks great Pammie but I have some questions for you please! :o) It's mostly regarding the stains since I haven't tried them your cover out of chipboard? Is it covered with paper? Or did you stain the chipboard directly? Whatever you've done looks really great, so I'm looking forward to your response!...Nancy :o)

  2. It was almost a padded album with the kraft paper on top. It came that way. I scribbled my blue stain on..leaving some of the kraft paper peeking through..spritzed it with water, rubbed it with my bby diaper (!) and added more as needed. There are better pics on the Scrapbook Divas page.

  3. A diaper, huh? Cloth or disposable? lol I'll go back to the Scrapbook Divas page and take a look. Do you think it would work the same way on naked chipboard, or is that too porous? :o)

  4. i think the pourous-ness (is that a word?) is what gave it such a cool look. you may have to seal your chipboard with a wood sealer or some gesso to get the look you want...the sand it with a brown paper bag to rough it up a little..let me know how it works...

  5. Well, first I have to track down some of the stain! That's the tough part in my area! I'll let you know once I've found some and tried it out! Thanks for all your help! :o)

  6. Awesome blog you have herre


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