Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August Book of Me Prompt

  Hey Dreamers.  I know that by now most of you are aware that the Creative Scrapbooking Divas blog is closed as of last Sunday.  I am really saddened by it...cause I imagine I will lose contact with some great friends that I have made over the last 2 years.  I fully understand the reasons....it was a lot of work for everyone.  My personal blog has been so ignored  :(
    I am going to assure you that every month I will still issue my challenges here on this blog.
                 I will post as follows:
  • 1st- Mini Albums   due the last day of the month, by midnight central time zone
  • 15th- Book of Me   due the 13th of each month,    by midnight central time zone
    So I would like to restate my Book of Me challenge for August...if you don't mind.  I have some readers who are not Divas, just Dreamers and they may also want to join in.
   Being at my real home in Oklahoma always causes me to really be homesick. Therefore the prompt...is home. This is a personal journey for all of us. For some home is warm and fuzzy, full of wonderful memories. But sometimes home can be a place of hurt and regrets. I would like you to write about home...any home you have lived in...where you grew up, first home in marriage, or your current home. Or maybe even about a dream home, not yet realized.
Here is an "untouched" picture of my layout. (there is no photo editing program on his laptop!) I took this on the front porch of my Oklahoma home.

I used the Nutmeg line from Cosmo Cricket. I love double sided paper! This was one piece of paper, cut in two pieces (top is larger) and pulled together with a strip of paper that I pleated

Here is a closeup of the heart and paper strip. I love that the paper had dashes on it, to mimic stitching. I didn't have access to a trimmer, so I "cut" everything out by hand, using a really unsharp pair of round pointed scissors! I tore the large pieces and paper strip using the straight edge of a ruler. Then I ripped the heart shape, after drawing it on the back of the page. Some home made flowers to match and I was finished.
I love the birdie on the title strip, so I fussy cut one off of the dotted paper and popped it on foam dots. I covered the hole where the birdie came from with the title. The journal box on right is just for the picture. I will need a MUCH larger block to write all I have to say about home being where my heart is.
Hope you enjoy working on this prompt. I would love to see how yours turns out, so leave a comment.  I have started a Flickr group for us to post our projects into.  Please ask for the link and I will email it to you.  I think a private group is good for us, but feel free to invite your friends! 
  I'm Dreamin' that this will be a great success...you keep Dreamin' too.

Pammie Kay

Pammie Kay


  1. I"m happy to hear the Diva's are continuing but I will make sure to check in on this blog often as well. Thanks for all your time and inspiration! Lisa (I did refer to you on my last post and have you as a link from my blog. I really want to try to get more in touch again with everyone now that summer is at it's end)

  2. me too..I have felt so isolated! I've been working hard to support my friend's scrap store in Oklahoma, and doing 3 blogs with different things is tough! I want to scrap for me. But I am glad that the Diva's are returning...I told Luisa that I was just going to occaisionally post, just to keep up with friends...and they all decided to join back in!


I love to hear from you! Please leave a comment.

Sunday's are for Shareing

  Welcome back Dreamers!      What a fun week I have had! Monday was spent in the studio working on projects, organizing posts for my Facebo...