Wednesday, June 01, 2011

A New Look and a New Attitude

Welcome back Dreamers.  Ok, I know you have been here it is me that has been missing!  Trying to turn a new leaf, starting today.  I have lots to share, so let's get started!

  It is the most beautiful day here in the burbs.  Sunshine, nice cool breeze, a wonderful day to open up the house and get rid of the winter stale.  Only one problem with that...having scrap spread on the dining room table with open windows!
It blew all the way down the hallway while I took my afternoon nap!  You can see what I've been working on...layouts of the twins visit last summer using Echo Park's Little Boy set and a page for baby Evelyn using My Minds Eye, Laundry Line!  I laughed out loud when I saw it and had to share!
We had such a great time when they spent a week with us...water gun fights were the biggest activity.  But they got to fly on a plane for the first time and we went to the zoo with Aunt Amy.  And the museum etc, etc.  It was a full week...I sent them home tired out!I used almost everything from Echo Park for this except the chipboard frame and 2 pieces of ribbon! After fussy cutting,  I heat embossed the stripes on the planes and popped them with foam dots. I also embossed the frame with silver and red.  I did these for a contest, called "Scrap Your Ass Off" at the Paper Secrets Ning site. I didn't have the orange check but matched it well I thought with this cardstock.  I cut with my Pazzles machine the beach ball parts and mounted them on a piece of chipboard. I also cut the sun with my Pazzles (I love it!  worth every penny!) The photo corners are brads that I got from Oriental Trading years ago, and am finally using.  They fit the color scheme very nicely.  A little gold glitter on the brad heads makes the sun sparkle!

I Had to put the closeup in here so you can see what a fabulous job my Kodak Z710 does when it is on "sport" setting.  I LOVE that it captured the water drops so clearly.  This was a great afternoon in the neighbors' yard slipping and sliding the summer away.  Sometimes don't you just dream of having that carefree life again?
Keep Dreamin' cause wishes do come true!

Pammie Kay


  1. Laughing at the wind blowing your things down the hallway like that. I can't imagine what you must have thought when you first saw that.
    I love the layouts, especially the beachball one, the photos in that one are adorable.

    SMiles Sher

  2. I scrap in an area where the wind often catches my papers, so I know how you must have felt! LOL Great LOs
    Alison xx


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Sunday's are for Shareing

  Welcome back Dreamers!      What a fun week I have had! Monday was spent in the studio working on projects, organizing posts for my Facebo...