Monday, March 28, 2011

Good morning Dreamers!  I can't tell you how busy my life has been...cause it hasn't!  I think I am the most boring person on earth!  BUT I have been busy with a little scrapbooking.
   About a week ago, on the Creative Scrapbooking Divas site, I posted a challenge during our on-line crop (did you know we are going to host an on-line crop EVERY MONTH...on the last weekend?!)  It was a difficult challenge but I had several ladies participate.  What was so hard about it?  I thought you'd never ask!  I had the girls journal!  I heard those gasps!  It is not that hard to do.  OK, we blog, we text, we write emails---but we can't journal?
     Starting April 1, I will be hosting the Book of Me and Mini Album room.  I think a huge part of my story is, well, the story.  I was raised very poor and we didn't have the money to have many pictures taken.  There are some, but not about every memory have.  And I want to share those memories with my family. 
    The theme was Lucky...and I picked some wonderful paper from K & Co newer Brenda Walton line.  I love the nature inspired paper and die-cuts.  I used some older alphabets that are made of cork, to keep with the natural feeling.
I  love to "fussy-cut" as my friend Linda at my LSS Creative Cuts & Crafts calls it.  I have said before that my exacto knife was my favorite tool....I use it on almost every project I make.  On this layout I cut out all the flowers and leaves on the left side.  But I used a second piece of paper, not the base page. I think it gives wonderful shadow to the page.  And then I pop dotted it, with foam dots.  I bought some really cheap foam dots, that are really thin, so some of my flowers were "double-dotted" to give a difference of heights.  I am very pleased with how it turned out!
I added some of the little die-cut embellishes in the corner, inking and popping them and layering.  I like to use odd numbers of items, it makes things feel unevenly even!  So there are 5 bunched up items. I'm just odd that way.
My journaling was printed on some pale green vellum, from a package I bought way way back at the beginning of my scraping journey...from WalMart!  It really reflects some of the pain I have been feeling, pain for the world.  I know that, coupled with the looming death of a dear friends' brother -in-law, with the removal of some cancer spots around my body, has been what has stifled my creativity this past 2 weeks.  Situations beyond my control, but yet deep in my mind.   It reads:
So Lucky...
To live in a free country
To have such fabulous children
To have the love of a wonderful man
To live long enough to know my grandchildren

It's Lent while I am creating this journal page, and it always causes my to pause and think...
about life, love, justice...
Last week Japan was hit by the most devastating  horror a mother could imagine...earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear threats..And I see the world around me respond, and go on about their lives.

Our perfect lives, where our biggest worries are what to wear, do I have the newest gadget, where shall we go for dinner..
As I'm typing, David Crowder is singing,
"How He loves us"
"And I realize just how beautiful You are and how great your affections are for me."
It reminds me that it's not just me He loves, but it is a song sung by my Lord to each of us Whether we all accept it is not the point the point is He loves us ALL.  So, am I lucky, maybe I am.  Only if I believe in luck
I will say that instead, I am blessed.
Well I hope I haven't made you too blue on this Monday.  It is beautiful outside and the signs of spring are popping up everywhere.  Do YOU need a creativity burst?  My friends at Paper Secret are hosting  a Birthday On-Line crop this weekend.  I am hosting a challenge, Luisa is playing Bingo, there are over 10 challenges and games.  AND PRIZES!! .Come play with us.

And just as I am Dreamin' of a better life with Him, You keep Dreamin' too.

1 comment:

  1. HI Pam,
    Ok, so it just dawned on me that no one was seeing responses from me because I was responding on my own blog page, duh! I am still learning the blog rules I guess. So, I am going back through all my comments and saying Hi to all those who took time to say hi to me (even if it was back in Jan or Feb....LOL)
    So, without further ado....
    HI :o)
    Your Lucky challenge with the journaling happened to be one of my favorites at the crop!


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Sunday's are for Shareing

  Welcome back Dreamers!      What a fun week I have had! Monday was spent in the studio working on projects, organizing posts for my Facebo...