Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Fnally a Blog Hop Winner!

I am back to reality now, and trying to get all my things caught up.  Two weeks is a long time to gone from the house, but I loved every minute.  The baby is 2 weeks old today, and I can hear her calling "Grandma, come back.  I need you!"  Or maybe I just need to smell her sweet baby skin and hold her tight again.  She will be about 6 months old when I see her again...NOT FAIR!!!

Between the 3 days of cropping that I got to be part of, I had a total of 36 entries into my drawing..between comment, following & doing the challenge.   And the winner is JennN.  I sent you an email, but if  you didn't receive it, please send me your addy at : so I can get it out to you right away. 
Jenn said...

Such a sweet story and wonderful layout! Now a follower. Thanks for sharing! :)
2/7/11 10:17 PM

  I haven't had time to create anything, even though I got a FABULOUS kit from Memory Works...and I would love to show it to you, but blogger won't let me upload a picture today...I guess I'll have to work on it tonight and hope I can upload tomorrow!

So I'm going to dream up a sketch for my layout keep Dreamin' too!


  1. Two weeks isn't so bad, when the reason you're gone is a sweet new grandbaby to love!

  2. Looking forward to your post. Such a sweet thing you have with the baby.


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