Wednesday, March 16, 2011

All is well

here in Bolingbrook.  I know you thought 'something must be wrong, cause Pam hasn't blogged in a while'...I was a little under the weather, but all is well.  today the sun is shining and so am I!  I am well into my Lenten journey to the Cross, and pray that you all are also.
     I have several things to share....the most important is this weekends' Online Crop at Creative Scrapbooking Divas!  
We have so much planned!  It starts Friday with a challenge from Luisa, some tips, chatting ...BINGO!  I love to play Bingo!  Then Saturday morning, we start all over again.  I know (cause I'm on the Design Team!) That there will be prizes and games and challenges and chatting with my online friends and more challenges and.....did I say prizes?!?!  Well there are prizes too.  I have met some great gals (and a few scrapping guys) at online crops.  My fellow DT friends are examples.  Hope you can join us for some, if not all of it. 
You deserve some time to yourself!

I also wanted to share a project that I did for a challenge at SCDivas.  I am not as happy with it as I could be (no, that is not a plea for sympathy, just facts jack).  I couldn't put my hands on my small stapler and had to use my Fastenator, and it is just too big.  And then, I had my fold the wrong size and refolded it...don't do that!  It just looks tacky!  I think I may cover that with a ribbon, though.

I wanted to make something special for my grand kids for St Patrick's Day (I really am Irish...although EVERYONE is Irish on March 17th!).  I started by googling Pot of Gold poems and came up with this cute poem about Leprechaun Poop!  Perfect for a giggle from 7 year olds!  I even giggled a bit! 
I made a a matchbook card, making an inch wide base on the bottom, so it would stand up.   I printed the poem with my computer to glue on .  My rainbow and  pot o' gold was cut using my Pazzles die cutter (I love it! SOOOO worth the money!)  I glued it all together and then cut the small window in the front.  The green poo was the hardest thing to find...there are only 30 green M&M's in a 2 lb package if you are wondering.  Then I found the all green ones...but they wanted $6 for a tiny bag!  Forget that.  I got green gumballs (a little stale) for $3 at Michael's.  It works.

     I remember how fun St. Patrick's Day was as a kid...getting to pinch your friends for not wearing green...or how about wearing the tiniest, most obscure green when they pinched me, I had the honor of pointing out their mistake..and pinching them 5 times back!! 
       Ever wonder why we get pinched? Some think it was started in the 1700's by colonist in Boston. They thought if you wore green, it made you invisible to the Leprechauns, which was good because they would pinch anyone they could see. So the pinching is to warn and remind you about the Leprechauns. Pinching those not wearing green on St. Patrick's Day is an American tradition, having really nothing to do with Ireland or St. Patrick The writer of this said that he had lived in Ireland and the truth is, Irish people think Americans are crazy. St. Patrick's Day is not even remotely celebrated over there as heavily as it is in the US. ( I got this from, in case you were wondering) 
       However it started or why makes no difference to me....I'm wearing my green and dreaming of a day when I can travel to Ireland to see the lovely country myself.    You keep Dreamin'  too

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