Sunday, February 13, 2011

We made it to Seattle!

The Space Needle

This seemed like the longest flight ever! Will we ever get there? Fly faster! So I entertained myself. We had barely sat down and Steve leaned over and said, "I want to squeeze that ladies hair ball and make it squeak!" And looked over and died laughing!

I was very careful not to show her face.
I had the camera out,
so I took a picture a picture of my beloved:
And a picture of him really relaxing:
The Rocky Mountains
Steve playing with a sweet baby behind us:
Eugene enjoying snacks and a drink:

And the main event:
He was a little disappointed at first, cause he thought it was going to be the other Grandparents, who he saw at Christmas.  But we knew that we hadn't seen him since he was not quite 2....a year and a half is too long (thank you again BP! for canceling last summer's vacation)  But it didn't take too long for him to make up to us and start calling us grandma and grandpa.  So I am busy taking pictures to scrap.  And dreamin' of a granddaughter on Wednesday.  You keep dreamin' too.


  1. Have a wonderful visit, it's so hard with the Grands live far from the littles!

  2. Have a great visit! enjoy the cute babes!

  3. Make sure to stop at my blog you are one of my winners!


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