Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Crop Till ya Drop

with your on-line friends! I belong to several on-line scrapbook forums. Memories Always Forever had an on-line crop this weekend. It was my first to participate in, but it was so much fun. The design team issued challenges, we played word scramble, bingo, and even had a scavenger hunt! I played all weekend, pretended I was away at a crop..stayed in my pj's and fluffy slippers. And got alot done! (I am so excited about all I am getting done, since I don't have to spend all my time with the store issuses) I showed you page 1 of my Mackinac layout, and now for page 2...
We had a sketch to go by, and in honor of Halloween, we were challenged to use "fear" somewhere in our layout. Well, that played directly into my hands...I had pictures of bridges, and fear of bridges! Ready to scrap!

It's not a really fabulous layout. But it is picture's of bridges! The upper right 2 pictures were standing at the base of the Mackinac Bridge..on the left side of the bridge was Lake Michigan and on the right side was Lake Huron! I thought it was neat the the Great Lakes are only divided by a bridge, and not a body of land. Really wouldn't that make it just one large lake? It makes sense to me! My story, below tells of my fear...hope you can read it.

I learned how to make a box out of cardstock this weekend also. I take some pics and try to post a tutorial on it tomorrow. Hope you gals got to crop this weekend. Check out some of the online communities....maybe even mine @
But for now...Keep Dreamin'

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