Thursday, April 09, 2009

Stepping Out

I know in my last blog I said I have been doing lots of I'm visiting my first Local Scrapbook Store!! LSS for short. It is called Memories & Beyond. I can't wait. I've been setting up my room (it's looking great) all this week. I'm tired of setting up...I want to play! I think even Steve is ready for me to meet some scrap friends (I'm ruining his Beer & Rock-Roll Fridays by being home!)

We are having friends over for Easter Lunch...the Tulsa group & our friends Amy & Terry. I'm excited to have company. Again, too much alone time with hubby. As soon as my room is up and running, I'll have an escape from togetherness! (not that I'm not enjoying it, it is just an oddity in our lifestyle...rather nice)

Again, not much about scrapping, but soon. I'll have to tell you all about the new store tomorrow. Maybe I'll get to share a pic or two.

In the meantime......

Keep Dreamin

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