Wednesday, April 22, 2009



Ok, I don't hate it...I just hate trying to figure out how to organize it. Do I put all my stickers together? Do I sort it my subject? Holiday? But what if it is a bear with a Christmas hat on...animals or Christmas?!?!?! I'm going crazy. I've bought the binders from The Organization Lady. ( They work great, but must be for someone who hasn't become a "collector"! And I'm still left with the question..holidays? manufacturers? colors? I can't get my ADD mind around it! I really could use some suggestions.

So here's a small challenge...leave a comment with your suggestions...
and we'll have a drawing.
The winner (by random drawing) will win a package of
Making Memories Velvet Star Brads.
But don't delay...contest will be over on Saturday, April 25, at 7:00 pm.

Back to my sorting. Don't forget to Keep Dreamin'


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