Monday, April 20, 2009

Getting Settled

It's the beginning of week 5, and I'm about to get settled in. Oh, the house has been settled for a couple of's the DreamRoom that is progressing. I am designing it so it fits MY needs. So I've been cautious of bringing anything out of the basement, until I have a workable place for it. Now, some things may just stay down there (It's a finished basement, not like the scary ones in older homes in Oklahoma). It is as big as half of the house, so there's plenty of space. So here's a picture of my work space....
It's a little blurry, but I took it with my cell. I bought legs, painted them apple green (what else?), and added them to the counter top. You may remember the counter top as the check-out counter in the store or as the work station in the last space. On the opposite wall, I have hung the magnetic boards vertically beside each other. A short stack of plastic paper holders sorts my cardstock into colors. Then I have the printer and computer on the desk next to all that. With the doors off of the closet, my 3 rolling carts with all my embellishments, glue, etc fit wonderfully next to my 30 plastic paper holders.
Ribbon hanging from clothes hangers (I clipped the end with a wire cutter, bent up a piece to hold the bottom wire. Instant ribbon holder!) and albums on the's scary how organized I've gotten. But then, with no friends, I have plenty of time!
I think I'm going to absolutely pour out inspiration from this room. The trundle bed fits on the far wall . I'll need the extra bed space when the girls come up in August for the ScrapBook Expo. With a window to bring in wonderful light, the only thing this space misses is my friends.
Well, there you have it....kinda long blog today...but finally some pictures. Girls, if I can get this organized, just think how your space can look. Send me pictures at our forum, or at my email, The first 5 to send me a will get a paper pack with 10 assorted papers in it. Thanks girls, and....

Keep Dreamin'

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