Friday, January 09, 2009

New Year, New Inspirations

Well, the New Year is here. Yes, I've been so busy that I just realized that! With the move and all, I'm really stretching myself to stay positive...and creative. With thousands of junk things rolling around in my head, where to live in Chicago, how much of our stuff are we going to move, gotta see "so-so" before we leave, you know, Stuff, that I haven't even thought about scrapbooking. My practical side has taken over...and...

Sorry for the yelling. But I do feel better. I'll be moving my scanner home over the weekend? Maybe on Monday, so I can start showing you guys some of the fun stuff I want to create that is rollin in the other side of my head. I promise this will become a scrap blog again. Really. Scouts Honor.
Some things I've found during my fits of insomnia, are on-line classes. There are a couple of really cool sites out there. Forget sleep one night, and cruise on down the web. Probably my favorite site is We Scrap. I've been a member for a couple of years, although a paid membership is not necessary. But it has perks, so check them out. But the site has wonderful challenges, fun forums, Quote of the Day, and occaisionally free classes. I love the interaction and they are not trying to just sell me their products. It is truly an international site. Check it out. You'll love it.
Tuesday I'll start the clearance sales at the store...pretty much everything the new owners don't want will be 50% off. I need it to sale, cause I sure don't need it sitting around my house. Come by and browse.
Another shameless plug..I still have spaces available for the Dream Retreat. I have 5 brand new retreaters this time...can't wait to wow them. Come join us.(if you are on my email list, you received a $30 off retreat coupon. If you don't have one, drop me a line at and I'll get you one!)
And in the meantime...
Keep Dreamin

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