Thursday, January 15, 2009


Wow! Is it cold or what!?! Just to confirm your suspicions, I am moving to Chicago ON PURPOSE! Yes, me, the coldest person in the world. I'm gonna die!!! The first time we lived there, it was 46 degrees on the 4th of July! Remember the last paragraph whenever I try to convince you I know anything!
Well, the moving out of the store has started, and I can say it is one of the saddest things I've done in a long time. And, I've discovered that I need to scrapbook some of my thousands of items in my possesion! I have some neat stuff, and as I work on it I will start showing it here. (With all the cold and snow in Chicago, I can't imagine I'll be doing much running around outside) So in the months to come, this will become a scrapping blog again.
In other news, I had 5 ladies at the stepping up class. I taught them some basic techniques, inking edges, wet embossing, stamping, using chipboard, using die-cuts...we even used ribbon. The thing I love about new scrappers is their excitement to learn new techniques. Do you remember those days?? Girls, get out and search the web for something new and will renew your excitement with scrapbooking all over again.

Keep Dreamin


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