Saturday, May 31, 2008

Exciting News

Well, for the last 3 months, my landlord has been hinting about raising my rent...and because the roof leaks, the electricity is outrageous because the wind just whistles right aroung the seal (which don't seal), and out of 6 lights in the front, only 3 work...I can't find a reason to stay. Ok, I'm too lazy to move is a good reason...but! So couple of weeks ago, the place RIGHT across the parking lot came up for lease...mmmm...must be a sign. It's all bills paid, so the utilities won't go up, real close so I won't lose customers in the move, has working lights, about 200 sf more space, and only about $20 a month more....
So I'm Moving!
Here' s a rough view of the before...will have after pics soon.

I'm really excited about it. We will have our first official event in it on June All Day Crop & Garage Sale. Crop is $25 and is from 9-9. Be sure to reserve a space, cause we are going to have prizes and games and.. who knows, maybe even some new product to try out!
The garage sale will be at the old store...a little going away. It only cost 3 cans of food for our local pantry, and you get to keep all your fees, no hidden gimmicks. The kicker is, you must call ahead to reserve your spot and provide your own table. I'm running an ad in the local paper, so hopefully we can all get rid of some old things that I'm sure we just "loved" when it was new and maybe pick up some different stuff.
The girls on my email list received a 40% coupon off my clearance items that I no longer want to carry on my shelves. Let me know if you are interested and I can send you a copy.
That's about all I know this time around. Hope you get a chance to put your dreams on paper.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Pam,

    What is the address to the new store?



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