Friday, January 25, 2008

Well, Katie had this IQ test thing on her why not take it? Now mind you..math is not my thing at all, and if you've every spoken with me, you know how my mind struggles to get the correct words out. So my results are...

***Your IQ Is 105***
Your Logical Intelligence is Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average
Your General Knowledge is Above Average
A Quick and Dirty IQ Test

I really wanted to know what a couple of the answers were, because there was one trick question about jail...but then again, going to jail is always tricky!

Yesterday was a busy day at the store. My Pastor's birthday is on Sunday, so we decided to do an affirmation gift for him (everyone write an affirmation and then give it to him...let him know how much we love him and appreciate his ministry) Sounds simple, right? WRONG! First off, people only respond in "their own sweet time", and second never allow 2 creative minds to work on the same project. I visioned a board book, with affirmations and a pic of the person (our church only has about 40 members, and being a photo freak, I have at least one of everyone). Cute, but not too cute. Well, others invisioned a frame with all of them in it so he can hang it in his office. Boring! But I look at it as a GIANT scrapbook page. Landscape or portrait? We ended up liking a mosaic with the 3x5 index cards around the edge, some pics in the middle. I'll try to get a pic in when we finish Friday.

We are finally having my husband's company Christmas dinner tonight. The ice storm disturbed the other one. We are going to the Polo Grill in Utica Square.
Our son, Michael, is the head chef there. This is the first time Steve's group has chosen to go there, so we are excited to show our son's skills off. It is a great resturant, and Mike gives customer service a new meaning. One night he drove a gentleman home who had drank a bit too much. He's even personally cooked for the Mayor of Tulsa. I'm very proud, if you can't tell!

And tonight there is a crop at the store! Patty is hosting an almost full house tonight (full being 9 tables). I will go crop after the dinner, but I'll not be rushing off. Hope you all get a few minutes today to practice our craft.

Keep Dreamin

1 comment:

  1. Well, you smarty pants you! I hope you have a great dinner tonight...even better that you're going to Mikey's place. Sorry I have to miss the crop tonight...Seth is here this weekend. See you next time! Katie


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