Wednesday, January 16, 2008

. Name your two favorite scrapbook topics.
Grandsons & my youth group at church
2. What are the two best places you've been to?
Philadelphia (I got goosebumps when I saw Independence Hall!) and our
latest trip to Maine for the birth of grandson Ethan (although CHA was a
highlight of last year!)
3. Name two things you do every day?
Talk to my daughter & read a devotion
4. Tell us two things that everyone pretty much knows about you?
I love to paper craft & my family (ok, most days!)
5. Two places you wish to visit?
The beaches of Normandy & Ireland, to look up family headstones
6. Two things you may not know about me are:
I love the smell of sheets after they've been hung on the clothesline & my
Great-Grandfather (many greats actually) is Daniel Boone
7. Two nicknames you've had at some time in your life:
Pammie Kay because I have a cousin who is also a Pam & Mamma Funk by
the youth that I "mothered" on band and choir trips
9. What are two interesting (in a good or bad way) jobs you've had in your life?
I was a camp counselor at Lutheran Church camps for many years and I was
a chair-side assistant in a dental office for about 3 years
10. What are two things you would like to learn?
I've always wanted to speak Spanish and to play a hammered dulcimer.
.11. What two things would make your scrapping/stamping work space work even better for you?
Cleanliness! and, while I have all my stuff at the store right now, just a
defined space at home to work when I have insomnia
.12. What are two of your best organizational tips for stampers that do not have a lot of space?
Think of using inexpensive 1x2 boards screwed into your wall above your
area (wooden stamps fit on it wonderfully & I use my things more when I can see them) & sort your inks according to type, not color. this keeps me
from searching everywhere for pigment ink or the perfect shade of Staz-on
.13. What are your two favorite stamping toys?
I'm a fairly simple stamper and don't have many toys at this point...but I
love my new glue stamp pad & the cleaner pads
14. If you could have TWO super-powers, what would they be?
I have ALWAYS wanted to fly, and now as an adult I want even more so, so I
don't have to mess with stupid drivers on the ground & this may not be a
super-power, BUT, I'd like to be able to eat anything I want and not gain a
bunch of weight!
15. Name two words that describe your stamping/scrapbooking style?
historical & fun
16. Name two of your favorite colors to design with?
Definately browns & lately I've really been into blue
17. Name two of your all-time favorite paper collections/lines.
That's hard, cause I usually scrap with paper I carry at the store, so I can
have examples up...mmmm..Ok, The school collection from Daisy D's &
Karen Foster's new line for card making ie; Thank you & Birthday
:18. Name your top two favorite paper crafting manufacturers.
7-Gypsy's & I couldn't live without my Bazzill for my Question..
19. If money were no problem, what 2 items would make your scrapbooking
world complete?
A Pazzles cutter & that giant scrapbooking armoir we saw at last year's CK
Well, I finally completed this! I am tagging my friend Patty & Eugenia. Good luck.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Pam! Thanks for playing! Have a great day! Katie


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